CMS Takes Action to Minimize Impact

As we informed AAN members last week, the US Senate recently put off voting on eliminating Medicare’s flawed sustainable growth rate (SGR) formula until after it returns from recess in mid-April. This means the 21-percent SGR cut will go into effect on April 1. However, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is telling […]

5 Finds for Concierge Medicine

Here are five findings on concierge medicine based on data released by The Concierge Medicine Research Collective, a research and data depository created by Concierge Medicine Today. The data is based on surveys, polling analysis and verbal responses received from concierge physicians between 2009 and 2012. Creator Becker’s Healthcare

Physicians and Medicare

Physicians and Medicare, including information about Medicare’s payment formula for physicians and about access to health care for people covered by Medicare. Creator:Journal of the American Medical Association Source: Kaiser Family Foundation ( analysis. Original data and detailed source information are available at *Produced by: Cristina Boccuti, MA, MPP, Jennifer Huang, MHS, Patricia […]